Friday, September 20, 2019


The recent Israeli election and the apparent demise of forever Prime Minister Benjamin Satanyahoo offers us a "teachable moment" ™ about the complex dynamics of three-way love-hate triangle currently shaping modern geo-politics. The three sides are:

Faction #1: Patriotic pro-peace Nationalists (Trump, Putin, Xi et al)
Faction #2: Patriotic pro-war Nationalist Zionists (Bibi Satanyahoo, John Bolton, FOX News et al)
Faction #3: Marxist-Globalists who are generally pro-war, but not for Israel. (Soros, Rothschild, Sulzberger, Clinton, Obama et al)

Only for strategic purposes and common interests, any two of these factions will, at times, cooperate with each other in order to keep another faction in check or to wage war against it. It's real Mafia-movie-like stuff.

The evident glee over the fall of Bibi which is manifested in this pair of selected NY Slimes articles -- one inked by Roger Cohen (cough cough) and the other by Isabel Kershner (cough cough) -- illustrates the dislike which the Globalist Jews (Faction #3) have for Israel Firster Bibi Satanyahoo (Faction 2).

Read the entire article