Friday, July 13, 2018

A Lutheran Pastor Explains - Russia Is a Beacon of Promise for a Christian Future

As an American who has witnessed the metastasizing of 5th stage cancer in the Empire since the 1960s, I must freely admit that the three holidays in this country which produce the most sadness and profound depression for me at this stage of my life are the 4th of July, Veterans' Day, and Memorial Day. 

Donald Jeffries covers the bases on many of my feelings today at Lew Rockwell in an essay entitled Our Plastic Patriotism. Suffice it to say that cardboard patriots in Star-Spangled Attire mouthing platitudes about "freedom" not only fail to understand that Washington, Adams, and Jefferson would not even recognize what this country has become internationally or domestically, but proceed to a mindless and terrifying embrace of the notion that utilizing the American military as a Regime Change Janissary force for Israel, the banks, and the multinational oil, gas, and mineral consortiums is a laudable thing. 

Starting a war of aggression with Russia utilizing NATO would be just terrific by these folks.

Jefferson knew otherwise. Even a cursory look at his writings reveals his grasp of the truism that a country involved perpetually in foreign wars of aggression has a government also bent on destroying the liberties of its domestic population. And yet the flag waving and mindless chants of USA!USA! on this day fail to grasp the dark truth that the United States is the leading nation on the face of the earth in the exportation of the instruments of death and the accompanying ideology of preemptive wars for the promotion of usury, sodomy, Palestinian land theft, and World Government eventually culminating in the appearance of Antichrist.

Read the entire article