Tuesday, January 16, 2018

“Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day”–The 2018 Edition

VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow writes: I’ve decided to keep on reposting my 2015 essay questioning the utility of Martin Luther King Day until we, so to speak, Overcome. (See 2016, 2017. Note that, while Robert E. Lee Day is fixed, Martin Luther King Day is set to be celebrated on the third Monday in January, and so fluctuates).

Infuriating to all who care about America and its history, this last year proved that traditions and heroes can indeed be attacked and undone, from the peerless Robert E. Lee to George Washington. But perhaps this is heartening to those of us who’ve had it with Martin Luther King Day—the wheel turns, and even that monstrous statue may one day be cut down to size.

Unfortunately, 2017 also made seem more likely the possibility I allude to below: that by 2027, when King’s FBI files are due to be released, criticism of him will be banned as “Hate Speech.” America took a real step toward totalitarianism in Charlottesville, VA, on August 12, when a lawful assembly protesting the proposed vandalism of a Robert E. Lee statue was repressed and physically attacked by elected, uniformed, civilian and paramilitary Democrats, followed by an obviously pre-planned nationwide pogrom against Dissident Right individuals and outlets that were not remotely connected with the rally (i.e. VDARE.com). Significantly, the publication of the Heaphy Report, which confirmed VDARE.com’s account of Leftist and police culpability, has made absolutely no difference to the MSM/ Ruling Class Narrative…because they DON’T WANT TO KNOW

Another ominous trend I note below is also in more evidence this year: radical Leftists asserting that MLK was one of them, as of course he was: e.g. If Martin Luther King Jr were alive today, politicians would denounce him, by Stephen W. Thrasher, The Guardian, January 15, 2018; Giving Up Patriotism and Integration Myths for MLK Day, by William C. Anderson, Truthout, 2018.  Thus, typically, Anderson [Tweet him] writes

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