Friday, June 02, 2017

With Nod to Sovereignty, Trump Dumps UN “Climate” Regime

After months of keeping the world in suspense about his intentions, President Donald Trump formally announced that the United States would be withdrawing from the United Nations “Paris Agreement” on alleged man-made global warming. Blasting the non-binding UN scheme as a counterproductive effort to disadvantage America and redistribute U.S. wealth rather than fix the “climate,” Trump portrayed the decision as one that puts “America First.” He also chastised foreign powers and their lobbyists for demanding that the United States continue to handicap its economy under the guise of doing virtually nothing for the climate. The withdrawal, Trump said, represents the “re-assertion of America's sovereignty” and a fulfillment of his efforts to re-invigorate the American economy. It was also the fulfillment of Trump's oft-repeated pledge to “cancel” the UN scheme.

However, frustrating some of his supporters and climate realists, Trump also indicated that he was open to either re-negotiating the Paris Agreement or creating a similar international “climate” regime that would be more “fair” to the United States. In fact, the president even offered to work with Democrat Party leaders to create a new global-warming scheme — provided it was more fair and did not impose undue burdens on the United States that did not apply equally to other nations, including the world's top polluters. Some Trump supporters, though, suggested that the president understands such a “far better” so-called “climate” regime will never materialize. Plus, even if it did, it would stand virtually no chance of being ratified by the Senate, as required by the Constitution — especially since most Americans reject the warming theory to begin with. If no new deal emerges, “that's fine,” Trump said.
Trump's speech, though, was widely celebrated as wonderful by his supporters and especially his core base. Despite softening his rhetoric on the man-made global-warming theory, which he repeatedly referred to as a “hoax” over a period of years, Trump's historic announcement pleased a broad array of his supporters on main street. From supporting workers and domestic energy production to defending the U.S. Constitution and American sovereignty, Trump's speech hit multiple points that American patriots have been longing to hear from a U.S. president for decades. Indeed, the decision itself was a stunning blow to globalist-swamp schemers, “climate” AstroTurf activists, mega-bankers, UN bureaucrats, Third World dictators, Big Oil, crony capitalists, the pope and the full spectrum of forces lobbying Trump to stay in the imploding UN scheme.

The UN “Paris Agreement,” as the pseudo-treaty is called, was negotiated in Paris, France, in December of 2015 by Obama, the UN, and the UN's largely autocratic and corrupt member regimes. Under the scheme, Obama purported to commit the United States to draconian economic and energy restrictions, all while pledging to redistribute hundreds of billions of taxpayer money from the middle class in West to Third World regimes and the UN. Because Obama knew it would stand no chance of being ratified by the U.S. Senate as required by the U.S. Constitution, the administration called it an “executive agreement” and claimed ratification was not needed. But as this magazine warned at the time, such a plot meant the foundation of the pseudo-treaty was built on quicksand, all but ensuring its eventual collapse. Indeed, without U.S. participation and tax money, the scheme is essentially dead.     

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