Monday, February 13, 2017

“So-Called Judges” Try To Mandate American Dispossession. Resist Or Die!

So it’s not just enforcing immigration laws that is “racist” today. Now, even the distinction between citizen and non-citizen has become “offensive.” The battle now is not just to preserve President Trump’s travel ban from the attacks of “so-called judges,” to adapt his entirely accurate description, and the Official Opposition/Main Stream Media. It’s about preserving the existence of the nation itself.

MSM enforcers, few of whom have ever read a book other than Harry Potter, cheered President Trump’s defeat in the courts as a defeat for the president they despise and are openly trying to unseat.  But their simplistic coverage concealed the staggering radicalism of the Ninth Circuit Court’s decision.

The Court not only ignored presidential authority and existing statute law, it essentially rendered American citizenship meaningless. As Daniel Horowitz explains:

The Ninth Circuit, although not “officially” deciding the merits of the immigration case, indicated that there is a constitutional right for anyone to immigrate, even during a time of war, even from countries we were so careful never to take immigrants from until recently. It concluded the president must show the courts sufficient evidence that each person will be a terrorist and anything short of that creates a due process right to be here.

[The Ninth Circuit’s Stolen Sovereignty Should Serve As Final Wakeup Call, Conservative Review, February 10, 2017. Emphasis added.]

Read the entire article