Friday, July 15, 2016

Communists and Socialists Push Democrat Platform Toward Tyranny

It's not your grandfather's Democrat Party anymore. In fact, it's not even your father's party anymore. With the powerful Democratic Party Platform Committee featuring a number of prominent socialists and communists, the Democrat Party's draft platform has moved further toward full-blown extremism and totalitarianism than ever before. Indeed, the proposed platform now includes an unprecedented array of extreme anti-constitutional proposals practically guaranteed to alienate mainstream Americans — at least if the public finds out.  

From tax-funded abortion worldwide and banishing millions of Americans from the workforce with a $15-per-hour minimum wage, to empowering a United Nations “climate” regime and prosecuting skeptics of the man-made global-warming theory, the Democrat Party's latest guiding document almost reads like a parody concocted by Republicans to make their rivals look ridiculous. An examination of the extremists sitting on the body that drafted the agenda, though, helps explain how one of America's two main parties could have openly moved so far to the fringes in such a short time period.

In an article published in late June, anti-communist analyst Trevor Loudon, author of the book The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress, shined the spotlight on the multiple communists and “radical anti-American socialists” serving on the platform committee. Among the figures cited in the report are a number who have been involved in the “Democratic Socialists of America,” which Loudon described as “a communist group based on the theories of Italian Communist party theoretician Antonio Gramsci — an advocate of revolution through infiltration.” Other platform members were from what he referred to as “more traditionally communist groups.”  

“Most of these individuals could not pass an FBI background security check to sell you stamps at the Post Office,” Loudon argued in his June 26 article. “They would not be allowed to clean the toilets on any military base in this country. Yet they are drafting policies that will shape the lives of more than 300 million Americans. It is time for loyal Democrats to realize that their party is no longer the party of Harry Truman, or JFK. It has been hijacked at the highest levels by enemies of the U.S. Constitution and American freedom.”

Read the entire article