Friday, March 20, 2015

Israeli election postmortems

Propaganda works. Israelis got the best electoral results fear-mongering can sell.

They bought smoke and mirrors deception about nonexistent threats. They voted overwhelmingly for right-wing fascist governance.

All parties significant enough to matter represent ideological extremism. Israel’s political system is like America’s.

It’s too broken to fix. It represents white supremacist Jewish interests exclusively.

Netanyahu’s Likud and Isaac Herzog/Tzipi Livni’s Zionist Union are two sides of the same coin. Rhetoric and style alone separate them.

They both consider Palestinians subhumans. They want them ethnically cleansed or eliminated altogether.

They want their land stolen for exclusive Jewish development. They want them denied all rights afforded Jews.

Netanyahu’s opposition to Palestinian statehood is no different from policies under all Israeli governments since 1948—especially under nearly half a century of illegal occupation.

Zionist Union ideology matches Likud’s extremism. Its racist platform called for: “Demilitarizing the Palestinian state, keeping the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria under Israeli sovereignty; strengthening Jerusalem and its status as the eternal capital of the State of Israel and ensuring religious freedom and access to the holy sites to all religions, along with maintaining Israeli sovereignty; resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem through the establishment of a Palestinian state, but not within Israel.”

Read the entire article