Wednesday, August 20, 2014

U.S. intelligence link to Brazilian plane crash that killed presidential candidate

The plane carrying Brazilian centrist, pro-business presidential candidate Eduardo Campos and his closest advisers, which crashed on August 13 into a residential area of Santos, Brazil, did not have a flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder, manufactured by a major U.S. National Security Agency contractor, was tampered with.

Campos was the candidate of the formerly leftist but now “pro-business” Brazilian Socialist Party. As with the British, Australian, and New Zealand Labor Parties, the Canadian Liberal and New Democratic Parties, and the U.S. Democratic Party, corporate and Zionist interests infiltrated the Brazilian Socialist Party and transformed it into a “Third Way” pro-business party.

It is clear that since disclosures of NSA spying on the e-mail and phones of incumbent Brazilian Workers’ Party President Dilma Rousseff and her ministers, Rousseff’s resultant cancellation of a state visit to Washington, and Brazil’s hosting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and other BRICS economic bloc leaders, the United States has been trying to destabilize Brazil. The State Department and the CIA have been looking for weak links in Rousseff’s Brazil to create the same conditions of instability they have fomented in other countries in Latin America, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, and Bolivia. However, Rousseff, who antagonized Washington by announcing in Brazil the establishment of a Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) development bank to compete with the U.S.- and European Union-controlled World Bank, looked unbeatable for re-election with Campos at the head of the Socialist Party ticket. That was the case until August 13 when Campos and his advisers were killed in the crash of their Cessna 560XL, killing all on board. 

The crash advanced to the head of the Socialist Party presidential ticket Campos’s vice presidential running mate, Marina Silva. In 2010, Silva received a surprising 20 percent of the vote for president as the Green Party candidate. Rather than run as the Green candidate this year, Silva opted to join Campos’s pro-business ticket. Silva is now seen as the Socialist Party’s best chance to defeat Rousseff for president in the October election. Silva, an evangelical Christian in a largely Roman Catholic country, is also seen as close to the global “civil society” infrastructure of “controlled opposition” groups financed by hedge fund master manipulator George Soros. As a leader of Brazil’s Amazon rain forest protection efforts, Silva has been lauded by environmental groups funded by Soros’s Open Society Institute. Silva’s campaign rhetoric is rife with such Soros code phrases as “sustainable society,” “knowledge society,” and “diversity.”

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