Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Master Plan: Agenda 21 In Action

The Master Plan, as referred to in the title of this writing, means something other than what it seems.

In fact, now that I am starting to understand the full agenda, the use of the “Master Plan” by local and state governments is perhaps the most dastardly representation of Agenda 21 tools and principles I’ve come across to date.

A basic tenant of the implementation of United Nation’s (Agenda 21) world-wide program entitled “Sustainable Development” is to replace the many declarations of rights and privileges called “constitutions” of the many countries with one global charter. This constitution of the Earth, called the ‘Declaration of Human Rights”, has one very important distinction between itself and that of the U.S. Constitution: the critical altering of individual rights so that the good of the collective people and the state have absolute rights over the individual people. In essence, the concept of natural or God-given rights are erased within this global charter.

This video presentation is critical to understanding Agenda 21:

In essence, the rights of the people to have private property must be eroded or stripped, making all ownership of any property a part of the “community”. Only then can the global Agenda 21 Sustainable Development take a root where once there was individual rights and property. And only by making private property into public (community) property, can the State and local governments justify the legal theft of that property in the name of the people.

The “Master Plan”, as stated above, is one of the most useful tools in this takeover and subversion of private property rights for individuals.

What is the Master Plan?

Each municipality (city), county, and State government generally have something called the Master Plan on file at their offices or city halls; a literal drafted blueprint for the future construction of roads, bridges, schools, and other “public” and “private” infrastructure for which the government has planned to build.