Friday, January 06, 2012

What Was Left Out of the Analysis

This younger generation also understands that unconscious, undirected forces are at work transforming the nature of the social systems through which we organize ourselves. The vertically-structured pyramid that is virtually synonymous with the institutional order and its chain-of-command authority, is rapidly being replaced by horizontally-interconnected networks of voluntary cooperation. The arising generation is learning that spontaneous, autonomous self-organization pervades the universe, including human society; that order can only be discovered and never imposed. They are beginning to understand that most important lesson from the study of "chaos" so well-expressed by Terry Pratchett: "Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought. It always defeats order because it is better organized."

Modern society is a wicked conspiracy against the young, a truth of which many of its members have become aware. In a world that is becoming increasingly decentralized – posing a major threat to the institutional establishment – coupled with a growing disenchantment with the old order, draconian efforts to reinforce the crumbling foundations of the corporate-state apparatus ought not surprise us. Only the dullest of minds can believe that SWAT teams, militarized police forces, torture, assassinations, endless detentions, hyper-inflationary systems of looting, an insistence on maintaining state secrets while denying individual privacy, wars against the entire world, and other forms of ruthless violence, will be able to restore the pyramidal structures in our world. Members of the institutional order continue to prattle on about "terrorism," but it is they who threaten the rest of us with terror in order to force our compliance with their interests and obedience to their authority. It is the corporate-state establishment that experiences the stark terror associated with the demise of its racket! This is why the "war on terror" will last forever – as George Bush II told us: the vertical power-structure can no longer be sustained, and neither "all the king’s horses" nor "all the king’s men" can do anything about that fact.

This is the message the established order does not want people to hear, accompanied by the kinds of questions it does not want asked. For just as it is impossible to un-invent nuclear power, it is impossible to un-ask questions. This is what the institutionalists fear about Ron Paul: it is tolerable to suggest that the emperor is naked - that, after all, can be corrected by a subsequent election – but not the empire itself!

There is a peaceful, decentralizing revolution going on not only in America, but in the rest of the world. For lack of a better explanation, I think of the energies driving this as emanating from a life force in nature that resists its own destruction. We have been able to tolerate the kinds of foolishness that arise from the "extraordinary popular delusions and madness of crowds" that often beset us. Life is resilient enough to avoid many of the adverse consequences of fantastic thinking, much as creative businesspeople are able to circumvent even the goofiest of government regulations.