Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Stealth Zionist War on Ron Paul

His accused racism is 99% “pro-American” and advocating a foreign policy that is no longer under the control of extremist organizations claiming to be “pro-Israel” but that nobody is willing to admit, other than author Jeff Gates, are historically tied to organized crime.

American Jews, 78% at least, are Obama supporters and many may well support Paul.

Veterans Today is seeing massive support for Paul among active duty and veterans.

The idea that years later there are still people trying to use the word “conservative” as though it doesn’t mean “slave to Israel” and “ignorant bumpkin.”

The country club gang, the tax cheats, the boys who sent our jobs overseas, those making a living running phony job scams, reposssessing houses, running up credit card fees, this is our “conservatives, these and the meth dealing hillbillies who sit up all night worried about the rich being taxed out of existence while waiting for their SSI check.

We wish Paul would speak openly about 9/11, openly about torture and war crimes and how many of his colleagues in government belong in prison and not on America’s welfare roles.