Monday, January 02, 2012

Obama Declares Martial Law CNN Iowa Poll-Gate Plot to Steal Iowa Caucus as Ron Paul Surges

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that great American patriot and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is surging into a double digit lead as the Iowa Caucus approaches.

Paul's lead remains in the double digits despite the attempts of the corporate-controlled fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media duplicitous attempts to create dis-information.

Israeli Mossad-controlled CNN just published a 24-hour phone poll showing Congressman Paul's support weakening.

This bogus poll was based on 150 phone calls made to previously committed Mitt Romney supporters all over the age of 65.

Note: Do not believe the Des Moines Register. It is controlled by the treasonous Israeli Mossad, along with the CNN network and the USA Today aka Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooges (CNN's fat cackling hen Candy Crowley and USA Today's fat cackling hen Susan Page).

Sources close to a patriotic joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force, now active on American soil, are reporting that the TREASONOUS rogue NSA (National Security Agency) and the Israeli Mossad are planning an electronic THEFT of the upcoming Iowa caucuses utilizing none other than CNN satellites with the electronic script for the THEFT being coordinated from Haifa, Israel.