Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DC Politics Is An Un-American Fascist Scam

Well, as one who has been to the edge of the abyss and always turned back in the right direction, I found myself giving a lot of thought and attention as to what in Hell has gone wrong in America. There are a few things that really stand out, each being the edge of the abyss or entire movements that are now trapped in that woeful void.

First, there is a fundamental reason for separation of Church and State that goes back to the royalties of Europe and their dictating to their fiefdoms and subjects what they had to believe and what religion they had to be. When I see the likes of Hagee at the pulpit espousing his personalized brand of hate towards all things non-Christian or non-Zionist Jew, it is not hard to see he has now been bought and paid for and abides in the abyss. Judas and his 30 pieces of silver fit Hagee to a tee. There is no amount of rationalization or equivocation that can change the simple fact that such people are not teaching God's word as it is stated in the New Testament.

Any Christian that can espouse more war, maiming and killing is not a Christian, they are evil.

Second, being from Arkansas I decided in 1980 to become a Republican due to Bill and Hillary Clinton and their brand of socialist, Marxist, far left communist ideologies. The Clintons have built a political career (living high and mighty on the public treasury) on duping people into programs and then bilking those funds for use in political activism and division within America. Literally hundreds of thousands in my home state left the DNC due solely to the Clintons and their brand of hate, attack and smear political tactics and lying every time they move the lips.

Third, I watched the Reagan Revolution very closely and it did not take long to see that the true conservative values were morphing into an aberration for what true American conservative values really means. It took a while to see it clearly but it was apparent that the CIA and George H W Bush were not only trying to force the breakup of the USSR but also trying to get into position to dominate the world as the world's only military superpower. They mistakenly thought that the US had an economy large enough and strong enough to finance virtually any objective.