Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and Webster Tarpley … We’re All LaRouch-ites Now! (Sums up why Tarpley / LaRouche are wrong!)

I have had many heated debates with Mr Tarpley and Mr LaRouche (and his Moony like repeaters) over the years. They HATE Libertarians such as Ron and Rand Paul with such a venomous fuss, we think that they doth protest too much (as the guilty old saying goes)… LaRouche was almost single – handedly responsible for the Elite Media branding of the American Tea Party as Racists – as followers were encouraged to crash events with Obama Hitler posters, and various extremist placards.

True, that (Fulbright Scholar) TARPley and LaRouchees have that Geo Political – Love Russia / Blame England rap down pat…. And Tarpley was generally right on with his Pre Selection analysis on Obama. (which is why its so hard to out him now) On many issues they are brilliant, But their undying oath to fascist Big Govt, and a ‘Progressive” FDR “Newer Deal” seem suspiciously akin to what the (Rockefeller / Rothschild sponsored) OWS mindless hoards are calling for…. With just enough truth sprinkled in to get you to fall for the trap.

Namely: Laws and regulations for all BUT the richest 1% who have regulatory immunity from Prosecution and accountability. (ALL Laws and Rules are Selectively enforced… Just ask BP, Chase, Citi-Group, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc…)

Of course fans of these men will follow them right into a hell of World Govt.

They want dependents, NOT Independence!

As these men are smart enough to know better, it seems that their Propaganda efforts point to only one final conclusion: They have an agenda. I believe that “agenda” is in “solidarity” with the very people that Tarpley and LaRouche rail against.

(Is THIS why Webster Tarpley secretly meets with “well meaning” DuPonts, and other establishment types? Ask him about that, and why Tarpley helped to derail and divide the peace movement in 2006-7…)