Thursday, December 08, 2011

'A Final Capitulation To World Government.'--European Debt Crisis: Unstable Currency Markets

Even the middle of the road journalists are beginning to question Europe’s elected and appointed leadership. This past Monday the plan for the euro zone was laid out for a final capitulation to world government. The financial crisis has been handled from behind the scenes by the Fed, so that Germany’s Chancellor Merkel and France’s President can concentrate on more important matters, namely the final federalization of the euro zone to be followed by the entrapment of the remainder of the European Union.

The calls for major changes to the current treaties have little to do with the debt crisis. What these two emissaries of the world elitists are up to is to tear down the legal strength of monetary and political union of this unnatural association, and replace it with a stricter budgetary discipline known as the ESM, the European Stabilization Mechanism, this ostensibly to support countries in difficulty. Within this major change is a complete shift away from the original Maastricht and Lisbon Treaties, which is being done without the consent of the public in these countries. There is one exception to that in the case of Germany that must approve the changes.

On the 9th the final proposals will be laid out and agreed upon by various heads of state, some elected and some appointed. This “leadership” could care less what the people of these countries think. There are no trappings of democracy here, just the iron fist of Illuminist world ambitions. Any thinking, sophisticated person has to look on in disbelief at what is about to take place.

The plan is to have a committee of 8, assisted by 17 immunized finance ministers control the budgeting and fiscal policies of these 17 nations, which strips them of their sovereignty.

We read writer after writer and they do not have a clue as to what is being done to the people of these nations. They don’t know these appointments are all members of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers and former Goldman Sachs employees. If they do know they are ignoring its significance. This is where Messrs. Draghi, Monti and Papademos all came from appointed to take the euro zone and eventually the EU into world government.