Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Did the UK just leave the EU? Bilderberg decided six months ago that she’s in forever

In June this year, the Chancellor of the Exchequer (the fancy 18th century parlance for Minister of Finance), broke bread with the global glitterati at the Bilderberg summit in St. Moritz. You can be sure that ‘Boy George’ Osborne was not there for a traditional Swiss fondue fest.

After this conclave, the legal government of Italy was overthrown and a fake substitute for democratic governance installed in Greece. A forced-forward election in Spain produced the right Bilderberg stooge as premier.

Nothing at all was discussed about the future of the pound sterling, which is like saying that on reading the weather forecasts which informed the five-star Bilderbergers of incoming thunderstorms, they headed for the swimming pool. What otherwise did Boy George have on his mind?

Cameron certainly intends to sink the pound but the only way that he can do it is by the threat of exclusion from the globalist consensus.

He won’t do that. The City of London wants in. Come on, be real.

Cameron’s mission to the EU summit was simply to stand as the odd man out before the thunderclap that creates seamless European economic union, which he will then be powerless, along with the ruling party, to prevent.