Wednesday, December 21, 2011

CIA/Soros funneling money through Georgia to Russian protesters

WMR has learned from an eastern European intelligence source that the CIA, Britain’s MI-6, and George Soros, who actually fronts for the Rothschild family, has been funneling money to Russian protest movements through the Republic of Georgia.

The Soros-style “themed” revolution for Russia is being called the “White Revolution” or “Snowy Revolution, with the color white being chosen as the thematic color for the attempted Russian uprising. Perhaps not coincidentally, the White Army was also the name for the counter-Bolshevik revolutionary forces composed of czarist loyalists supported by British, French, American, Japanese, and Czech troops who, from 1917 to 1922, attempted to invade Russia and restore czarist rule. The White Army invaded Russia from Poland, Lithuania, the Caucasus, and Siberia.

The Western media are mocking Russian Prime Minister Putin for suggesting during a television interview that, when he saw protesters in Moscow wearing white ribbons, he thought they were wearing condoms. Putin said, “I decided it was propaganda against AIDS, that these were, pardon me, dangling contraceptives . . . I didn’t really get it . . . But on the whole, my first thought was that this is good, that people are fighting for a healthy lifestyle.” Putin said he could not understand why people unrolled a condom (gandon) before pinning it to their chest.

In fact, Putin, a KGB veteran, was signalling to the West’s disruption network in Russia and neighboring countries that he is aware of how the protesters are receiving their funding from the West, including Soros, the US Agency for International Development (USAID)—the main cipher for CIA funds—and MI-6. Time magazine and other corporate media operations are trying to portray Putin as insensitive with his comment about condoms and white protest ribbons but his answer to the question posed to him was a direct message to Washington and London that he is aware of the destabilization efforts being conducted by western intelligence services in concert with Soros and the government of Georgia.