Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas at the End of Civilization

Words lose their meaning under our rulers, as with any other tyranny. Terms like “democracy” or “human rights” do not define a system of government or self evident qualities of mankind so much as serve as shorthand for progressive hegemony. If a state passes restrictions on immigration with massive popular approval, the media will describe it as an “anti-democratic” measure that violates “human rights.” However, if a national government openly bans a legitimate political party because they do not like the opinions of those in them, this will be described as an act in defense of “democracy.” This isn't incorrect. Democracy is, at its essence, the Church of Mediocrity Militant, and the fist of the system is no more apparent than in the mundane.

It's hard to think of anything more mundane or typical of modernity than Rihanna. At 23, she already boasts several Grammy's, almost a dozen top 100 hit songs, and most importantly, a role in the upcoming cinematic masterpiece Battleship (based on the board game). Rihanna also earned the coveted status of “victim” and “survivor” after her boyfriend at the time, Chris Brown, savagely beat her (after, it is rumored, she gave him herpes), and the resulting pictures were posted online. After a quick break, Brown was rewarded by earning millions singing songs about how many girls still want to sleep with him—after all, it's not like he said a racial slur. In his latest collaboration with the blue-eyed Cuban rapper “Pitbull,” Brown croons about how everyone in the Dominican Republic wants to immigrate to America.

Meanwhile, Rihanna doubled down on her image of promiscuity and vulgarity, flauntingly spending thousands of dollars at a sex shop in Paris, turning her concerts into barely concealed strip shows, and ensuring that your prepubescent daughter is singing songs about S&M, unless you live in an electronics-free cave. I should pause to note that she has also been officially named an “ambassador for tourism” for Barbados and is a “great source of national pride,” and so she is. While it's doubtful she's part of a one-world brainwashing scheme, Rihanna's vaguely mixed appearance (she was bullied for being “white” in Barbados) and auto-tuned, lowest common denominator, pop-urban schtick make her the perfect frontperson for global prolefeed.

Alas, even in the brave new age, there is the eternal enemy waiting to be stamped out. Rihanna was ignominiously chased out of a field in Ireland by a Democratic Unionist Party alderman named Alan Graham after she took her clothes off in his fields. For his trouble, he was besieged by hate mail accusing him of religious bigotry. Rihanna also had a troubled encounter in Portugal recently, where she supposedly encountered a racist hotel guest who said that black women dress like sluts. (Why would he think that?) She responded by tweeting to her 11 million followers about “cunts,” made a thinly veiled reference to penis size, and admitted she screamed at him. Proudly, she proclaimed, “My nigga came out.”